20 People Take 2 Hours to Stand Up 220-Kg. Chinese Man Who Fell on Sidewalk

| Feb 15, 2017 09:11 AM EST

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At the start of the Lunar New Year, the family of Xiao Huang made the 220-kilogram Chinese man go on a diet because he had ballooned to a weight which is already dangerous to his health. The 27-year-old Wuhan resident ate less or just had light snacks and water.

The forced diet resulted in Xiao Huang becoming weak and dizzy that in early February, he fell in the bathroom and the police had to be called to help bring him to the hospital for treatment. After a week, Xiao Huang was released from the hospital and while on the way to get a taxi, he accidentally slipped and fell on his behind, Shanghaiist reported.

Seven is not Enough

The man’s mother, who was with him, called emergency services for assistance. Two police officers came but could not help the heavy man stand up. Seven more people arrived as back up to help Xiao get up but they also failed.

After about one hour, six firefighters arrived, plus 10 medics from the hospital who came with some oxygen. The firefighters used an air cushion to bring up Xiao but again did not succeed because the fat man’s legs were already numb because of prolonged sitting on the pavement.

The firefighters then wrapped a thick and wide board in a bed sheet from the hospital and rolled Xiao on top. With help from a dozen people, the 220-kilogram man was lifted and placed on a hospital bed to rest. After more than two hours of ordeal, Xiao finally got home.

Genetics to Blame

Doctors explained Xiao’s massive and excessive weight to genetics. He has fallen into a circular cycle of being unable to exercise due to his weight, causing him to further weaken. But Xiao is not beyond help because surgery could likely be able to reduce his weight.

Xiao’s case may already be on the extreme end of China’s obesity crisis, however, their number could expand further to 50 million Chinese children expected to become obese by 2025, according to estimates of the World Obesity Federation. By then, China and India would overtake the U.S. as the most obese nations, France24 reported.

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