'Final Fantasy 15' cheats, tips, tricks: Here's one way to get bonus item

| Feb 17, 2017 08:22 PM EST

Released in November 2016, 'Final Fantasy XV' is a video game developed by Japanese developer Square Enix.

A lot of fans know that during the development of the hit game "Final Fantasy 15" food was a priority. As such, there is a new in-game item inspired by the food brand to be made available as a part of an obscure cross-promotion effort.

According to Dual Shockers, the collaboration between Square Enix and Nissin is nothing new, but for those who purchase the limited edition Cup Noodles set will receive a bonus code. It will unlock a cup noodle helmet for the main protagonist Noctis, and it is part of the "Final Fantasy" Boss Collection.

At the moment, it is yet to be verified whether or not all platforms will support the item, but the PS4 code will surely work exclusively on the Japanese version of the game. Right now, only instructions on downloading the headgear will be included in the limited edition product, according to the official Nissin Cup Noodlle website.

As such, it is unknown if the DLC will be made available for audiences outside Japan. The download will still be available during summer nevertheless, and Nissin specifically mentions that the helmet will not grant players the power to control floating forks as seen in the promotional image they provided.

Meanwhile, the official Twitter page for "Final Fantasy 15" launched a survey for their player base, asking their inputs to shape the future of the game. The survey has 24 questions in total, which begins by asking basic information such as age, gender, and if the person ever played the game before.

The first part of the survey is straightforward, but its questions get more interesting towards the end. After all, one of the last questions included is about DLC, asking people to give their thoughts about their feelings on Season Passes and DLC in general.

"Final Fantasy 15" is now available for the PS4 and Xbox One. Here is the latest video for the game:

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