'Civilization 6' DLC adds Australia as a playable country

| Feb 22, 2017 04:12 AM EST

"Sid Meier's Civilization VI" is a turn-based 4X video game and the sixth main title in the "Civilization" series.

After the Poland DLC in December 2016, Firaxis Games is releasing new content for "Sid Meier's Civilization 6." It features Australia as the newest civilization to join the roster of playable civilizations.

The Australia DLC is announced by Firaxis Games through a YouTube Video as cited by Game Rant, featuring the country as its main feature. Unfortunately, nothing much is revealed besides the fact, and as such, there is no final release date and price point for the DLC as of the moment.

The inclusion of Australia as one of the playable countries in "Civilization 6" marks the first instance of it being made available in the entire franchise. The nation will be led by Australian Prime Minister John Curtin, who led the country during the final four years of World War 2 leading to his death.

Curtin's unique ability as a leader in "Civilization 6" is called Citadel of Civilization, which bolsters production if certain prerequisites are met. The ability will trigger if either war has been declared on the country in the last 10 turns or if it was able to free a city in the previous 20 turns.

The Citadel of Civilization ability also provides bonus to housing when constructing a city on a coastal tile. Also, extra bonuses are given to Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites, and Theater Squares when built on tiles that have the Charming or Breathtaking-level appeal.

According to Game Spot, the unique tile improvement for Australia is the Outback Station, which provides food and production. Also, to improve the yield of these tile improvements, adjacent Pastures can be user. The Pastures trigger a culture bomb effect when first built.

Lastly, Australia replaces standard infantry with their own unique one, called the Digger. It receives bonuses to combat power when fighting outside Australian territory or on land tiles adjacent to water.

"Civilization 6" is now available for the Mac and PC. Here is the announcement video for the upcoming DLC:

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