Yalu102 JB Tool to be Finalized Soon as Luca Todesco Vows to Continue Both Jailbreak and iOS Research Missions?

| Feb 22, 2017 10:53 PM EST

iOS 10.2 beta version with new emojis running on a iPhone.

There is no stopping Luca Todesco from completing his work on the Yalu102 jailbreak, which is the cracked version of Apple's iOS 10.2 release. And the Italian dev is certainly not walking away from the jailbreak scene and bent on continuing his iOS research mission.

This according to Droid Report, which picked up the Twitter exchanges between the jailbreak creator and a follower. In the cited conversation, Todesco was asked to clarify the recent rumor that iOS 10.2 jailbreak will be his last and the next thing to do is take a long break.

It was assumed too that young iOS security researcher will abandon any further projects on the matter.

However, Todesco made clear that while a holiday from jailbreaking may be in the cards getting out of the scene is not necessarily true. The dev in fact has made commitments to make the Yalu jailbreak work at least on all 64-bit devices and underscoring that promise was his recent tease that the same tool will soon support the iPhone 7 series.

And in his latest post, Todesco said, "I will keep to do research, and I will talk about technical info. By 'public research' I mostly meant 'public jbs'." The statement seems to indicate that his research work on the iOS will be mostly kept in private and it makes sense as the dev has recently stated that the attention he's been getting lately was making his life a bit more stressful.

But judging from the tone of tweet, Todesco appears resolved to not only finish what he has started. The fire is there too carry on the mission to modify the Apple mobile OS and make public whatever he can put together.

That would mean the chance is high that Todesco's iOS 10.2 jailbreak will soon be finalized. And the possibility is there too that even if the likes of Pangu and TaiG have abandoned their respective jailbreak projects, Todesco will soldier on.

The dev did not say that work on the next jailbreak is already underway given that Apple is set to intro iOS 11 on June 5 via the WWFDC 2017 but one thing is sure - there will be attempts to pry open the next mobile OS release from the tech giant. And that clearly indicates that the jailbreak drama is far from over.

Now while waiting for the next move from Todesco and other jailbreak developers, there were indications that the Italian dev is working with Cydia creator Saurik to make the iOS 10.2 jailbreak more stable. Reports said the two and other collaborators are attempting to eliminate the 7-day certification issue of the jailbreak tool and release of the fix will happen real soon.

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