'Arrow' Season 5 rumors: New theories for Prometheus's identity revealed; Showrunner teased new four-part crossover soon!

| Feb 27, 2017 03:40 AM EST

Arrow is CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

The latest details and spoilers for "Arrow" season 5 will feature theories for Prometheus's identity and a new four-part crossover soon.

The biggest mystery in "Arrow" season 5 is the possible identity of the murderous new main villain Prometheus as the show hinted that he could be the illegitimate son of Justin Clayborne's son. However, there are new theories as to who is the person behind the black hood, who has a grudge againts Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell) and is held bent on destroying his legacy.

The first hinted supect for Prometheus's identity could be Leonid Konstantinovitch Kovar, the son of Konstantine Kovar (Dolph Lundgren), the main villain in season 5's flashblack scenes. Oliver travelled to Russia to kill Kovar with the help Anatoly Knyazev and the Bratva. Could Kovar's death the catalyst for his son to seek revenge againts Oliver knowing that he has became Star City's protector and wants to destroy his legacy as both its Mayor and hero.

The next theory could be another child of Robert Queen, knowing that Oliver's father had affairs with different woman, perhaps someone from the Queen bloodline is seeking revenge on Oliver and his friends. Season 5's theme is about legacy, particularly Oliver's so it will make sense that Robert's son from outside his marriage could be Prometheus.

Another possibility could be Malcolm Merlyn's son, Tommy, who has been the source of rumors regarding Prometheus's identity. Tommy died during the season 1 finale of "Arrow" it could be a possibility that Tommy was revived by a Lazarus Pit and trained by someone from the League of Assassins. Malcolm is one of the few people who knows Oliver's "list" and has somehow obtain it.

Lastly, Prometheus's could be Talia al' Ghul (Lexa Doig), the daughter Ra's and the older sister of Nyssa. Talia is helping Oliver in Russia during the flashback scenes and was responsible for Oliver's transformation to the Hood persona. Past reports hinted that Talia could be responsible for Promtheus's training, but what if Talia and Promtheus's are the same person? Talia also knew about the list and she could be the one terrorizing Star City, IDigital Times reported.

Meanwhile, it seems that CW Network will be doing another four-part crossover for their DC TV series soon.

Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told Entertainment Weekly (via Heroic Hollywood) that they will be doing a "proper" four-part crossover after fans expresssed disappointment on how they started the "Invasion" crossover.

Fans were not pleased on how Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) put in the crossover as "Supergirl" only teased a glimpse of the "Invasion" crossover when Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Cisco Ramon/Vibe (Carlos Valdes) arrived on Earth-38. The fans also criticized Supergirl's role in the crossover with majority of her scenes were featured in "The Flash", while she has minimum camera time in "Arrow" and "Legends of Tomorrow".

Kreisberg explained that "Supergirl" did not have a "built-in shut-down days” like the other three shows and that the availabilty of the actors is difficult to determine.

"Arrow" returns on Wednesday 8pm on the CW Network.

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