Shaanxi Pet Shop in China Has a Real Mutant Turtle with 2 Heads & 6 Legs

| Apr 07, 2017 10:04 PM EDT

Mutant Turtle

A genetic mutation caused a Brazilian turtle to develop two heads and six legs. The real-life mutant turtle is now at a flower and fish shop in Shaanxi Province in China. The shop owner, Wong, purchased the baby red-eared slider from a wholesale market in Brazil along with other normal turtles.

Wong was unaware one of the turtles was a mutant. The animal, estimated to be two to three months old, moves and eats like the rest of the turtles from Brazil. All of its four eyes blink and six legs move, RT reported.

Huge Crowds

The pet shop is attracting large crowds because of the mutant turtle whose mutation is caused by a genetic anomaly, according to researchers from the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Medicine and Life Sciences. Reptile Magazine said if cared for properly, the turtle – which many Chinese relate to the movie “Mutant Ninja Turtle” – could reach 12 inches long and live up to 20 years.

According to Daily Star, red-eared slider turtles usually live for 50 to 70 years. However, because the mutant turtle has polycephaly, the condition of having more than one head, it could be the reason why Reptile Magazine has a shorter prediction of the animal’s life span.

Viral Video

The video of the mutant turtle has become viral on social media sites. However, even if its appearance could be a bit creepy, many netizens found the animal cute. A YouTube user said the mutant turtle is so cool.

China has its fair share of mutant animals. In September, a piglet was born in China with a face that looks like a human and a growth on its head similar to a penis. The piglet lolls out its tongue when yawning or gasping for breath. It has ears that are flat against its head and bulbous eyes.

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