Konami Hiring New Head for Next Metal Gear Solid Game; Kojima's Name Removed from Website

| Mar 20, 2015 10:06 AM EDT

Konami Announces New Metal Gear Solid Game

Konami has confirmed in a press statement that the company is launching a brand new Metal Gear Solid game. The company didn't confirm Hideo Kojima's exit but the game developer's name has already been removed from the game and the corporate officer's title.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the upcoming title and Konami confirmed that Kojima will be overseeing the development of the brand until the fifth installment of the series ends. Cinema Blend reports that he will be formally exiting the company by the end of 2015.

Meanwhile, the developer has also worked closely with his team to make MGS5 the best installment in the series. He tweeted earlier that this might be the last game that he will be associated in. The removal of his name from the website, brand logo and officer's list confirms that Kojima will be leaving Konami soon.

"We are working towards building a team and to create a system which is directly controlled by the headquarters," said Konami in a press statement.

In the past, things used to be different because Kojima received direct directs for his MGS titles which say, 'a Video Game by Hideo Kojima'. Such credits are not given to developers in any of modern day titles except for few, including him. 

With the restructure, Konami plans to change this tradition and bring everything under their brand, similar to Electronic Arts and Ubisoft. 

In their press statement, as spotted by Eurogamer, Konami has sent invites for applications from potential candidates who are looking forward to fill different positions in the Metal Gear Solid V team including a main staff to take responsibility of the development.

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