Logitech Launches New Mouse - 'Logitect MX Master'; Swap it Between Three Devices

| Mar 25, 2015 12:32 PM EDT

Logitech reveals New Wireless Mouse

NBC News has reported that Logitech has launched its new flagship mouse - the Logitech MX Master, and it is so much more than just a device that controls the pointer of your screen. The new mouse might look similar to the previous Logitech mice but it is so much more than meets the eye.

There is one scroll wheel which located at the top most location on the mouse which doubles up as a click when rotated slowly and it spins very fast when you rotate it at a normal pace. Also, there is one more wheel which can be used for scrolling sideways and swapping applications. This button is at the side of the thumb, finally making the thumb useful for a mouse. And this is not it, a special space allows you to swap your mouse pointer among 3 devices very quickly, almost simultaneously.

But all this cool features do not come for a low price; this high tech mouse from Logitech is priced at $ 100. That is indeed a lot to shell out for a mouse, but you want what you want. And specially for all the gamers out there, this mouse is the mecca of mice. Just imagine the kind of control you can have in your games now.

According to the Next Web, this is the ultimate mouse which is wireless and still has so many buttons. This is just too cool to even be real. Initially, this mouse can be a little difficult to use as it has just so many features and complex functions, but once you start to use it, you can never go back to using your old mouse or the laptop touch mouse. This is something which will make the old mice look absolutely obsolete.

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