Scott Eastwood, Raymond Olubowale Join ‘Suicide Squad’

| Mar 30, 2015 05:02 AM EDT

Suicide Squad

Comic book movie "Suicide Squad" widens its cast pool as it has recently added two more cast members.

Actors Scott Eastwood has joined the cast of the anti-hero movie, as per Cinema Blend. Eastwood took part in David Ayer's 2014 action masterpiece "Fury" and a Twitter post said that the actor had been in Toronto to work on the film. There is no official revelation yet with the regard to the role he is playing and fans have to wait for now.

Eastwood has appeared in films like "The Forger" (2012), "Texas Chainsaw 3D" (2013), and "Fury" (2014). This year, the actor's projects are "The Bachelor with Dogs and Scott Eastwood," "Longest Ride," "Mercury Plains," "Diablo," and "Snowden."

Meanwhile, Raymond Olubowale has finished filming the upcoming blockbuster, "Pixels." The boxer-actor is to take part on a comic book action project with a working title "Bravo 14," which is believed to be "Suicide Squad" as the project also stars Jared Leto, Will Smith, and Tom Hardy.

The heavyweight boxer has appeared in works such as "Resident Evil: Afterlife" (2010), "Resident Evil: Retribution" (2012), and "Make Your Move" (2013).

Olubowale expressed his thoughts on his new project with Toronto Sun.  He said that being part of the project is an "opportunity to never grow up." "You're just one big kid playing make-belive and you're compensated well," he added.

"Suicide Squad" is an upcoming American anti-hero film, which is based on the DC Comics of the same name. It will also be the third installment in the DC Comics Cinematic Universe.

Along with Eastwood and Olubowale, the members of the cast include Jared Leto as The Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, and Cara Delevingne as Enchantres.

The film is to be produced by Dune Entertainment and to be distributed by Warner Bros.

"Suicide Squad" is set to hit the big screen on Aug. 5, 2016. 

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