Tourism’s Toilet Salvation

| Apr 07, 2015 08:07 AM EDT

China's lack of clean toilets has long been a nightmare for tourists.

"Toilet revolution for tourism evolution," screams the fresh slogan coming from Li Jinzao, director of China's National Tourism Administration. Li also pointed out in a statement released earlier today that the one thing that China's tourists complain about is the lack of clean toilets in tourist destinations.

The social media is a tsunami of complaints from tourists visiting China. All or most of which center toward the issue of toilets, the lack of them, or worse, the absence of them, especially clean ones, in China's major tourist destinations.

The Web is about the tales of horror tourists post on each others' walls, making the problem an embarrassment to China's tourism industry.

The director stressed that before investing a lot of manpower and resources to promote tourism, the government should first address China's leering tourist problem. With a stunning number of more than 3.7 billion visiting tourists a year, the toilet problem, Li said, is not a small matter.

Li said that "dirty and poorly equipped toilets could put all their efforts of tourism promotion to waste, which will have an almost irreversible negative impact."

Li stated that for China's tourism to grow, it must solve the problem of dirty and poorly equipped toilets that has been dragging the country's tourism down.

Statistics show that an average tourist visits the toilet more than eight times in one trip, and multiplying the figure with the number of tourists a year, China must gear for 27 billion times toilet necessities a year.

Li said that the toilet revolution must be the priority task for the entire tourism industry.

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