‘Fast and Furious 7’ Director James Wan Is In Talks For DC’s ‘Aquaman’

| Apr 14, 2015 04:44 AM EDT

James Wan for Aquaman

Following the success of the hit action film "Fast and Furious 7," film helmer James Wan is eyed to pilot one of DC's upcoming films.

Warner Bros. Studio is holding early talks with the film helmer to direct its aquatic superhero film "Aquaman, according to Empire Online.

Jason Momoa is to star as the titular hero and his character is to debut in Zack Snyder's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Aquaman will be also seen by fans in the upcoming "Justice League: Part One."

The film helmer was considered by Warners Bros. for its upcoming film following "Fast and Furious 7," which grossed an estimate of $800 million since its release on Apr. 3. The car racing film still topped the box office chart last weekend, followed by "Home" and "The Longest Ride."

Aside from the action film, the Australian director held movies from the horror genre, such as "Insidious" and "The Conjuring." Wan is set to helm the upcoming sequel of the latter, which is entitled "The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist." Filming is scheduled this fall and it is set to premiere on June 9, 2016.

The sequel to "Fast and Furious 7" is seen as the conflict to Wan's directorship over "Aquaman," according to The Hollywood Reporter. Like "Aquaman," the eighth installment does not have a director yet and it is likely for the franchise to push through a sequel due to the fact that it remained first in the box office last week.

Directing the King of the Seven Seas in DC Cinematic Universe will be a sign of changing course for Wan as he enters another cosmos aside from action and horror. At this point, the DC film has not found its helmer yet. However, separate scripts are being developed by scribes Will Beall and Kurt Johnstad.

"Aquaman" is slated to premiere in theaters in the United States on July 27, 2018.

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