Marvel Head Kevin Feige Debunks Rumors On ‘Captain Marvel’’s Appearance In ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’

| Apr 15, 2015 02:41 PM EDT

Captain Marvel

There have been rumors saying that "Captain Marvel" will appear in the upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron," so Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige gave enlightenment to the issue.

Captain Marvel is included in the early draft of the "Avengers: Age of Ultron" script, Kevin Feige explained in his interview with Badass Digest. Some people may have got with them the early versions of the drafts, which included some characters. Feige added that it is "dangerous" to ready and talk about early written scripts.

Marvel has decided not to include the Captain Marvel in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" because Feige believes that it would be a disfavor to the character. The Marvel President also said that the studio has not introduced a character in full form wearing the costume and already part of the Avengers. Moreover, he added that majority of the audience will be curious with that kind of set-up.

Villains, such as Thanos, are recommended to be the one to heighten the audience's curiosity as he embodies another storyline in the comics. This approach will raise the interest of both Marvel fanatics and ordinary moviegoers, according to Feige.

Feige views "Captain Marvel" as a focal character that she is worthy of being introduced in something more than a brief appearance, as per Screen Rant. The character marks history as her film is Marvel's first female-led superhero movie. While Feige confirms that "Captain Marvel" will not have a cameo in "Avengers: Age of Ultron," it is assumed that there are clues about her subsequent arrival.

The upcoming film is in search of its female director at the moment and Michelle MacLaren is rumored to helm the film while scribes Nicole Perlman and Meg LeFaure are in talks to pen the script for Marvel.

Meanwhile, Joss Whedon's "Avengers: Age of Ultron" stars James Spader, Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, and Robert Downey Jr.

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" rocks the theaters on May 1. 

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