Most Common Times Babies Are Born Based On Hospital Births, Non-Hospital Births: Study

| May 09, 2015 02:37 PM EDT

newborn baby and mother

The pre-Mother's Day findings of a new study revealed the most common times babies are born in the United States. Those times are based on whether they are hospital births or non-hospital births.

Morning and noonday are the most common times that women give birth during hospitals' normal working hours. Meanwhile, the time of day babies are born outside hospitals is almost always in the earning morning after 1:00 a.m, according to U.S. News.

The study on when babies are born is based on 2013 data. It discovered that the most frequent time of giving birth is based on the increase in induced vaginal births and elective c-section births.

T.J. Matthew and Sally Curtin are the co-authors of the study on when babies are born. They work for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Matthew and Curtin wrote that the early-morning non-hospital births have "fewer interventions," affecting the top baby arrival times. This results in a more natural "delivery pattern" of births, according to Philly.

The researchers examined data on U.S. birth certificates from 41 states.  Because of the increase in  childbirth interventions, an "increasing proportion" of deliveries occur during daytime hours.

 The scientists gave a hypothetical situation in which every American woman gave birth without the use of medical interventions. In that case, the average time of day babies are born would be evenly distributed during the day. Each hour 4.2 percent of births would occur.

That is not the reality in today's U.S. hospitals.  However, statistics on time of day babies are born show that the pattern is distributed "more evenly" on the weekends.

In terms of hospital births, c-section, induced vaginal, and non-induced vaginal procedures were bunched at different times of the day. However, the most common time to give birth outside hospitals usually occurred between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Regarding the research on times babies are born, Dr. Jennifer Wu of New York City's Lenox Hill Hospital says that most infants' time of arrival is "never sure." Many babies arrive when "they want."

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