‘The Walking Dead’ (TWD) Season 6 Plot Details And Airdate: This Fan-Favourite Character Might Bite The Dust

| May 26, 2015 12:23 AM EDT

Norman Reedus

"The Walking Dead" (TWD) Season 6 is expected to return this fall with an intriguing storyline. Meanwhile, rumours claim that that the next instalment of the AMC's horror drama may feature the death of one of the major characters. Who could it be? Read on to find out the details.

[Spoiler alert! This article contains potential spoilers for "The Walking Dead" (TWD) Season 6. Please do not read further if you don't want to know more about it.]

Based on the rumours swirling around, it is suggested that fans must prepare themselves to bid goodbye to one of the favourite characters next season. According to Cinema Blend, Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon is most likely to die in the upcoming Season 6. The website speculates that the character may meet his fateful death in a scene that has been shot in Alexandria. It is noted that the scene features a massive attack by the newest villains, the Wolves.

Meanwhile, Inquisitr alleges that Norman Reedus was not seen on the set when the entire "The Walking Dead" (TWD) cast and crew was filming in Georgia. Besides Norman Reedus, another actor who remained unseen on the sets is Danai Gurira. The actress is known for playing the role of Michonne.

According to Design & Trend, being a fan-favourite makes Daryl Dixon the apparent candidate. It is speculated that his death will have massive impact on the audience.

In other news, official Twitter account for "The Walking Dead" (TWD) has announced the official month for the Season 6 premiere. According to the tweet posted on May 19, 2015, the Episode 1 of the new instalment will air sometime in October. The post on the show's official Twitter account reads:

Who do you think will die? Let us know you predictions via comments section below. "The Walking Dead" Season 6 will premiere later this year on AMC. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Yibada for more spoilers and news.

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