YouTube User Mashes Up ‘Super Smash Bros.’ And ‘Mortal Kombat X’

| Jun 04, 2015 08:19 PM EDT

smash bros vs mortal kombat

YouTube user Sterling recently uploaded a mash up video of "Super Smash Bros." and "Mortal Kombat X".

YouTuber Sterling used the "Mortal Kombat X" x-ray damage scenes in order to put more emphasis to Nintendo's more family-friendly "Super Smash Bros." The resulting video is nothing short of amazing as character moves from "Super Smash Bros." were treated to the brutal presentation the only "Mortal Kombat X" can deliver.

According to Event Hubs, Sterling took advantage of the quick zoom x-ray animation from "Mortal Kombat X" in order to provide a seamless animation that looks like the two video games were mashed up into one. The video from Streling was flawless that a quick-eye view will prove that no editing was done at all. However, a close inspection only proves otherwise.

In the video, Ganondorf's hit of Mario's skull and Robin's back shattered by Captain Falcon was presented in such a way that one will say that it was an actual footage from a legitimate game.

The YouTube video from Streling has already recorded more than 500,000 hits as of the date of this writing.

According to Game Rant, updates and new character on both games are still coming. Nintendo currently has an ongoing Smash Ballot poll. The online poll gives "Super Smash Bros." the chance to include their favorite characters to be added to the home and portable console version of the game.

"Super Smash Bros." was first introduced in 1999 with its latest version for Nintendo Wii U console released in November 2014.

"Mortal Kombat X" was released in April 2015 in a variety of platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC and Android. Watch the video below. 

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