‘Wolverine' Spoilers: Hugh Jackman Teases Possible Storyline For Logan In 2017 Standalone Film

| Jul 14, 2015 04:30 AM EDT

Hugh Jackman

"Wolverine" star Hugh Jackman recently opened up about his standalone film at the San Diego Comic Con.

According to Latin Post, the actor, who will play the role of Logan or Wolverine, said that "Wolverine" will be the last film where Jackman will be putting on his claws. This means that the movie will be his best one yet as a superhero.

When asked what story the film will tell, Jackman did not provide a lot of details but hinted that "Wolverine" will be about "old man Logan." It is unclear whether this meant Jackman's Logan character will be portrayed as an aged man or not.

On the contrary, Screen Rant noted that Jackman may simply be describing his own age, especially since he first played the role of Wolverine so many years ago. At that time, the actor was much younger than he is now.

Meanwhile, there are also speculations that Jackman's last film as Wolverine may be inspired by the "Old Man Logan" comic book series written by Mark Millar. In the comic book, Wolverine was talked into killing the other members of the X-Men. As a result, he refused to fight again, but his decision caused multiple villains to come into existence.

"Wolverine" is slated to hit theaters in the United States in the next few years. As of late, the cast of the upcoming movie has not yet been confirmed. However, there are rumors that some of the most popular "X-Men" characters will make it into the movie.

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