'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3' Multiplayer Beta Starts On Aug. 19

| Jul 21, 2015 01:27 AM EDT

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Game developer Treyarch announced that the beginning of multiplayer beta for “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” for PlayStation 4 will start on Aug. 19 and ends on Aug. 23, making the beta testing exclusive to PS4 gamers.

Treyarch has teamed up with Sony for PS4 exclusivity deal, making the new “Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” video game available at first on the PlayStation 4 platform. The U.S.-based game developer also signed an exclusive deal with Microsoft to distribute the game to Xbox One game console.

“Call of Duty: Black Ops 3” may be available on Xbox One beginning on Aug. 25 after the launch of the PC version, but it is not yet confirmed, Christian Today reported. It is the sequel to “Black Ops 2,” where the story happens in a dark, gritty future involving biotechnology that created a new breed of soldiers. PS4 gamers take control of the Black Ops soldiers, trying to stop the enemy soldiers from destroying the world.

Players will have an access to the multiplayer beta including extra in-game items. The game features new weapons customization system, allowing the gamers to personalize the weapons. There is also a new Specialist system that allows the gamers to select and level up to nine elite Black Ops soldiers. Each of them will consist of own unique look, personality, backstory, and devastating weapons and abilities, according to Latin Post.

Players who signed up for Black Ops 3 Zombie Room Challenge received a PlayStation Plus voucher and complete details revealing the date of the beta. Gamers also got the official prequel to “Call of Duty: Black Ops III,” an exclusive Mega Blocks CoD figurine, plus a code to an online sweepstakes for a chance to be a Black Ops zombie.

Players who pre-ordered the "Black Ops 3" game will have an access to multiplayer beta and other in-game items. It is expected that the game will be available as well on PS3, PC, and Xbox 360.

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