Lebron James Forms Creative Partnership With Warner Bros; Twitter Users Fire Back on Best NBA Superstar to Star in `Space Jam 2'

| Jul 23, 2015 07:13 PM EDT

One of the fan posters for the planned "Space Jam" sequel features basketball icon Kobe Bryant.

The sequel to the well-received 1996 comedy flick that combined Looney Tunes characters with basketball legend Michael Jordan has sparked discussion among social media followers. The Twitter universe is abuzz with comments of movie buffs and NBA basketball fans stating their preferences on who will best portray one of the central characters in "Space Jam 2," should it materialize.

Days after news of the Warner Brothers-Lebron James creative partnership broke out, speculations that James will fill up the shoes of Jordan as the film's hoops superstar-savior became hot and heavy.

There were lots of other unimpressed "Space Jam" fans who made their voices heard on Twitter sphere, E! News reported. As an active social media user tweeted, "Space Jam 2" will have its share of viewers, and the reboot may appeal to him, but lamented "how disrespectful" it is to Jordan to have LeBron star in the sequel.

Another Twitter user expressed that a sequel just will not nail it, because the original was good and the presence of Looney Tunes characters defined the 1990s. Some individuals expressed it pains them to think that another NBA star other than Jordan may star in the follow-up movie.

Web-savvy film critics and basketball fanatics have explicitly stated their preferred NBA player to star in the movie. Among the names cited was Kobe Bryant. One social media user joked that James just may take off and leave behind the toon squad.

The idea of James starring in the movie is not a farfetched one, since the deal inked with Warner Bros. spans "all areas of content creation," TIME reported. 

In the meantime, unofficial posters of "Space Jam 2" featuring their respective basketball icons, particularly James and Bryant, have been posted by eager fans.

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