Nike, Apple Lawsuit Reveals Companies Knowingly Sold Inaccurate Fitness Trackers

| Jul 26, 2015 07:46 AM EDT

Nike FuelBand fitness trackers

Nike and Apple reached a settlement in a class action lawsuit that alleged the two global corporations put the FuelBand fitness tracker on the market knowing that the wearable device's biometrics measurements on the dashboard were not accurate. Consumers proved in a court of law that figures related to calories burned, steps taken, and overall activity were incorrect and the two companies used false advertising to market the product with that knowledge.

Nike, which sold the FuelBand from January 2012 to June 2015, was ordered to pay $2.4 million in claims. Apple must repay no money.

The sports shoe and apparel giant has offered the plaintiffs a $25 gift card or a $15 payout, according to Modern Readers. Unhappy customers also have the option to object.

This is not an isolated case. While some fitness trackers produce accurate information, several of them do not, and different models produce different data for the same types of measurements.

Tracker producers often claim that their "calorie burn" results are based on the device's algorithm and sensor readings, according to Venture Beat. However, it is highly unlikely that the calculator can take all the accurate measurements that could achieve that goal, such as for blood pressure, weight loss, and sleep quality.

Fitness tracker buyers often let it slide. They argue that increases or decreases in the wearable's numbers are more critical than their precision.

It sets the bar's benchmark. If an inaccurate figure is provided for a user's weight, for example, then it also raises doubts about whether reports of gains or losses are on the dot.

Many consumers use the gadgets for a few months, and then after tons of inaccuracies store them away, and often decide to never use them again. The scenario could result in future lawsuits.

Hundreds of companies have rushed into the market during the past couple years. However, several fitness trackers typically only include some plastic, a cheap accelerometer, one app, and a few algorithms.   

The problem is that certain models on the market are more precise than others. Shoppers need the information to determine the difference.

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