"Captain America 3: Civil War" Plot Rumors: Winter Soldier Working For Baron Zemo? Fan Theories From ‘Ant-Man’ Credit Scene Arise [SPOILERS]

| Jul 28, 2015 12:07 PM EDT

Sebastian Stan/Youtube

The credit scenes from "Ant Man" has triggered fan theories on the plot of "Captain America 3: Civil War" specifically the Winter Soldier.

"Captain America: Civil War" is the projected to be the pivotal movie in Phase 3 of  Marvel's Cinematic Universe. " The most recent release, "Ant Man" did its part to trigger speculations and possible plot spoilers.

The scene in the end credits of the Paul Rudd-starrer (Spoilers ahead) featured The Winter Soldier (whom Captain America already named as Bucky, his sidekick in the World War) with his arm being trapped as Captain America and the Falcon look on.

Sebastian Stan, who plays Bucky/Winter Soldier, aired his take on the scene on Buzzfeed:

"I think [what Bucky was caught in was] more of a vise. But it would never happen at his own hand, by his own doing. In terms of that scene in Ant-Man, I've seen some of the ideas people have about it and I would just say that whatever you're seeing on the surface, it's not as obvious as that." 

He continued, "There might be a whole lot more to the scene. I would say someone would probably want to put him in a vise." 

Now, the big question on the internet is: "Who trapped him there?"

The initial theory that it was Captain America who actually trapped him there was quickly dismissed in favor of a more obvious suspect,

Cinema Blend cites that "two names that immediately spring to mind are "Captain America: Civil War's" antagonists Baron Zemo and Crossbones." The theory is that he is being used as bait after a failed attempt to assassinate Captain America.

However, there are still other angles  involved as "Civil War" breaks the allegiances between the heroes. One clear takeaway from the scene is Tony Stark's apparent refusal to help Captain America and Falcon. Are they already enemies at this point?

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