‘Fallout 4’ Reveals Customization Options, Development, Dystopian America Creation

| Jul 29, 2015 02:21 AM EDT

Fallout 4

Bethesda is taking one step forward from its "Skyrim" days to provide "Fallout 4" fans with more customization options. This is what VP for Marketing Pete Hines as assured fans once the game comes out.

Instead of giving players cookie cutter frames for buildings, Hines announced that the customization of buildings and homes will be more extensive and expansive, Game Spot reported. According to Hines, it's not merely getting a pre-made home. Rather, players will have more freedom to build the kind of homes they want in "Fallout 4."

The only limitations, aside from small unchangeable aspects in the buildings, is the building sites. "Fallout 4" will already have preset venues in the maps where the players can build.

These are just some of the features that will be coming to "Fallout 4." Previously, the developer has also confirmed that the game is mostly finished at this stage of development. Hines stated that the game was already finished when it was announced. This is the one of the reasons why players should not be expecting some more features from their wish lists, not unless it had already been added previously.

Still, this does not mean that Bethesda did not consider fan feedback during the process. If anything, they made sure to include as many of the important features as possible, without compromising the integrity and capability of the game.

Overall, the development of "Fallout 4" is no longer just about innovation in the "Fallout" series. As game director Todd Howard revealed to The Guardian, it is a continuous balance of striving to get what is new to the game and how to enhance the feeling of loss in a post-apocalyptic setting.

"The player character is coming in with a sense of the world beforehand. That kind of emotion plays heavily in our story," said Howard to The Guardian.

This gives "Fallout 4" an extra layer of depth, wherein a running theme of loss and new life emerge. Aside from setting up the atmosphere of the game, it also provides the foundation of what can be done in the game, including constructing homes and settlements and overall rebuilding.

"Fallout 4" is expected to land on the PS4, Xbox One and PC on Nov. 10.

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