Windows 10 Mobile Release Date Set For November; List Of First Set Of Smartphones To Receive It Revealed

| Jul 30, 2015 05:05 AM EDT

Windows 10 Mobile

Microsoft has officially revealed that the Windows 10 Mobile will be officially rolled around November. The list of first batch of Lumia handsets to receive the new upgrade has been declared.

Windows 10 has been officially launched for PC users and now Lumia handsets owners are waiting to hear about its release date. Anthony Doherty from Microsoft South Aftrica has revealed that the Windows 10 OS for mobile devices will be released around November 2015, iAfrica reported.

The Windows 10 Mobile on release date will not be available for all Lumia handsets. Some of the handsets such as the Lumia 730, the Lumia 630, the Lumia 530 that were one of the first ones to receive the technical build will not receiving the new upgrade.

According to the official Microsoft page, the first batch of Lumia smartphones to the Windows 10 Mobile upgrade when it arrives includes, the Lumia 430, the Lumia 435, the Lumia 540, the Lumia 535, the Lumia 532, the Lumia 640, the Lumia 640 XL, the Lumia 735, the Lumia 830 and the Lumia 930.

Some of the well-known devices such as the Lumia 635, the Lumia 630, the Lumia 520,  the Lumia 1520 and more are absent from the list. All the Lumia handsets are entitled to receive the Windows 10 Mobile upgrade. Users can simply use the Windows Insider app to install the latest Windows 10 Mobile rather than waiting for the carrier to make it available.

Microsoft is rumored to be working on two Lumia premium flagships such as the Lumia 950 and the Lumia 950 XL with Windows 10 Mobile onboard. Both the handsets are expected to release in October. 

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