Hilary Clinton, Huma Abedin Face Top Secret Email Controversy, Bernie Sanders Advances in Election Polls

| Aug 13, 2015 09:01 PM EDT

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The current year is momentous for presidential aspirants striving to top polls and win the support of political parties, financiers, and the common people. At a highly critical moment, Hilary Clinton, arguably Democrat's most bankable candidate, was struck by the controversial top secret email issue. Clinton struggles to keep her lead on Bernie Sanders while the probing on her server heightens and drags her assistant to inquiries.

Email Controversy
This week unfolded unpleasantly for Clinton. Her private email server is on its way to the Justice Department. Some of the emails she had turned over to State included information deemed as highly confidential, MSN reported.

The inspector general for Intelligence Community told to the members of the Congress that two of the four classified emails obtained from Clinton's server contain highly sensitive information.

Probe Turns to Huma Abedin

Meanwhile, Huma Abedin, Clinton's most trusted confidante, is now facing inquiries as the Republicans and federal judges seek information about Clinton's communications while she was running the State Department. Abedin had an email account on Clinton's server.

Clinton as Secretary of State

While working as the secretary of State for President Barrack Obama from 2009 to 2013, Clinton used her personal email connected to a private server at her residence in upstate New York. This action deviates from the protocol which requires her to use the government's email account while transmitting highly confidential state-related information.

When the State Department requested Clinton's correspondence in 2014, her team divided her emails into work and personal messages.  Files classified as work emails were forwarded to the State Department while the rest were erased from her server. The deletion was deemed by critics a questionable act.

For months, Clinton was unresponsive demands of political leaders and the media to surrender the server for examination by the authorities.

According to Merril, Clinton asked her team to the give the Department of Justice the email server and a thumb drive containing copies the emails. The same materials were already handed to the State Department. Clinton pledged her cooperation to the government's security inquiry.

Bernie Sanders

While the worst is yet to come for Clinton as she confronts the legal consequences of her actions, the former secretary of State is already affected by the heightening controversy. Her lead in the 2016 presidential elections is starting to dwindle.

While Clinton face flack for the progress of the server controversy last Tuesday, the former secretary of State also received the update that she fell behind Sanders in New Hampshire on the poll from the Boston Herald and Franklin Pierce University.

Sanders leads Clinton 44-37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, according to the poll of 442 Granite-Staters.

Vice President Joe Biden recieved nine percent of the votes in the test primary match-up. The other declared Democrats in the race, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb, barely registered at one percent.

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