21 Most Adorable Animals In Movies; 'Alvin And The Chipmunks' Character At No. 4

| Aug 19, 2015 07:57 PM EDT

Toothless and Hiccup in "How to Train Your Dragon"

Pets make movies more exciting with their clever tricks and adorable faces. In many Disney films, animals are the confidantes of humans when the latter are left out of the world. Here are 21 of the most adorable animals in films:

1. Hedwig, "Harry Potter" Series, (2001-2011)

Hedwig was Harry's sole companion on his summer staycations at the Dursleys. She is very reliable in carrying Harry's mails. When Harry travels without her, she has her way of catching up. 

2. Toothless, "How to Train Your Dragon" (2010)

Toothless is a black dragon that chases food like a puppy and scratches like a cat. He plays fetch, eats fish, chills in his master's rooms, and basically functions like a puppy. Nonetheless, Toothless breaths fire whenever necessary.

Toothless is the most adorable creature featured in a movie according to Moviefone.

3. Jack Black, "Kungfu Panda" (2008)

Jack Black is an energetic and accident prone giant panda.Although no one believes in his kungfu skills at beginning, he ended up saving the world. 

4. Alvin, "Alvin and the Chipmunks" (2007)

Alvin is a cute little brat who breaks the rules at times. Nonetheless, he is a magnificent singer and dancer. Alvin loves his friends and is always there to save them.

5. Thumper, "Bambi" (1942)

Thumper is a fluffy and hard-headed bunny in "Bambi." While he enjoys breaking the rules and living life to the fullest, he also listens to his mom.

6. Baby Simba, "The Lion King" (1995)

The adorable and restless baby lion can't get over the idea of being the next king. The little hero had a very iconic birth scene.

A lot has happened since "The Lion King" was shown in theaters. Simba and his friends may be back soon to reunite with their fans, Vulture reported.

7. Scooby, "Scooby-Doo" (2002)

Scooby is a coward dog who encounters ghosts and monsters all the time. Even though he is scared, he manages to save the world. 

8. Dug, "UP" (2009)

Dug is an animated fluffy dog with a cute and chubby human friend. When they are together, they look like two rolling balls. The pair is curious, cute, and ready for adventure.

9. Yogi, "Yogi Bear" (2010)

Yogi is a bear who is always hungry. He sometimes steals pik-nik baskets. 

10. Abu, "Aladdin" (1992)

Abu is Aladdin's adorable sidekick who happens to be a good thief. Nonetheless, he is a loyal pet and he is always ready to rescue his master.

11. Skip, "My Dog Skip" (2000)

Skip, the restless dog, stole some of the spotlight from the movie's lead Cody Banks, played by Frankie Muniz. "My Dog Skip" is a family movie in 2000.

12. Baby Penguins, "March of the Penguins" (2005)

Seeing a penguin is enough to make hearts flutter but baby penguins are even more adorable.

13. Babe, "Babe" (1995)

Babe is a talking pig with a distinct scratchy voice adored by fans. He lives at the farm with his human friend.

14. Fievel, "An American Tail" (1986)

Fievel, a mouse with gigantic ears, was popular among American kids in the '80s. The movie "An American Tale" popularized the song "There Are No Cats in America."

15. Dog Ottoman, "Beauty and the Beast" (1990)

Science and magic were combined to produce Dog Ottoman, a high interesting half ottoman and half dog.

16. Sven, "Frozen" (2013)

Sven is the curious reindeer in the 2013 mega-hit Frozen. He is goofy and demanding but he is also very loyal. He runs fast and is very handy in emergencies. He believes in true love and he only wishes the best for his human friend. Fans agree with movie's song "Reindeers are Better than People."

17. Pascal, "Tangled" (2010)

Pascal is a frog with big eyes and color-changing skin. He has an annoying but very handy tail which he uses to point things. He was Rapunzel's confidante and whenever Rapunzel is sad, Pascal is sadder. He will fight any monster or guy for Rapunzel. He only longs for her freedom.

18. Pip, "Enchanted" (2007)

Pip is a loyal chipmunk who does whatever it takes to defend his human friend Giselle. He is good in running, hiding, and causing trouble to bad guys.

19. Oliver, "Oliver & Company" (1988)

Oliver can run, jump, direct vehicle, and save the day for his animal friends. His is overflowing with adorableness so its no wonder he got the eyes of the wealthy little girl who ends up adopting him.

20. Nemo "Finding Nemo" (2003)

Nemo is a clownfish with the curiosity and innocence of a little boy. Sometimes, he cutely breaks the rules but he learns his lesson at the end of his exciting adventure. 

21. Hachi "Hachi: A Dog's Tale" (2009)

 Hachi doesn't like it when his owner leaves him alone so he always chases Professor Parker. When Hachi's owner died, the loyal pet continued waiting for his owner on the train station.

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