Apple’s New Stores Are Coming In Late August

| Aug 22, 2015 06:37 AM EDT


Tech giant Apple Inc. has plans of modernizing its retail stores on Aug. 26 by pulling back iPod demo models and putting them into shelves and removing iPad-based signage.

Apple stores are reorganizing the layout of their stores to give an uncomplicated and easy-flowing feel for its customers.

New and previous iPod models will now be showcased in the store's cabinets, called the accessory wall, giving consumers the freedom to pick up the iPod from the shelves and queue up the cashier, as one would do when buying groceries, according to Mashable.

Smart signs, which were previously used in iPad 2 models, to show product information will be removed. The smart signs were removed prior to some complaints from the consumers, saying it was puzzling, while some people thinking it was a demo iPad.

Even with the removal of the smart signs, the products' price and specifications will be displayed on the demo products themselves.

The iPod's removal from the spotlight may be due to lackluster sales. The new website layout also no longer features the iPod, according to 9to5Mac.

The Upper East Side Apple Store has seen some renovation first, giving people a clue about the retailers' course of action are. New design details such as consistent packaging for all items as well as new displays that will have customers reaching in behind walls in order to examine a product are in effect. There are also walls of semi spheres which showcase the new headphones. Also the tables in the store are now darker and sleeker. 

Apple Watches, earbuds, headsets and iPhone cases will now be also placed in the drawers that used to contain the iPods.

A few large retailers will still have the smart signs by late August, but Apple wishes to clear them all out in the near future and hopefully give their consumers a cleaner experience.

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