Blomkamp’s ‘Alien 5’ To Be Released After Scott’s ‘Prometheus 2’

| Aug 27, 2015 02:21 AM EDT

The "Alien 5" script was changed due to "Prometheus 2."

The date for the production and release of Neil Blomkamp's movie "Alien 5" was postponed to allow for the release of Ridley Scott's film "Prometheus 2."

According to Coming Soon, 20th Century Fox put Blomkamp's movie on hold to let Scott produce and release his 2012 "Prometheus 2" series. Furthermore, "Alien 5 is still in the process and much has to be done because director Blomkamp is still making final touches on the script, designs, and other smaller details for the storyline.

Currently, the timetable would be "Prometheus to come first - filming to commence in 2016 and its release will be in 2017. However, Blomkamp's "Alien 5" will commence filming in 2017 and its release will be in 2018, Empire reported.

As a result, "Alien 5" fans will have to wait a little bit longer to have their favorite movie in studio. The change in the release date will allow Blomkamp to refine everything and continue with more productions for "Alien 5" since he has only completed the outline.

Furthermore, the film will stand a better chance to eliminate any issues with the casts' schedule. For example, Sigourney Weaver will be appearing in "Alien 5" to reprise her role. The initial timeline could not favor her appearance.

Fans are still anxious about the release of "Alien 5" after director Blomkamp teased about it. He assured fans that "Alien 5" will not tread on the toes of "Prometheus 2". In addition, he said that he and Ridley Scott are working closely to get rid of overlaps in the two movies that may make "Aliens 5" to look like "Prometheus 2."   

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