WWE Rumors 09/09/15: Where is Lana, Possible Ryback Opponent at Night of Champions, More

| Sep 10, 2015 07:59 AM EDT

Lana WWE

A huge chunk of watching WWE's weekly programs involves the excitement of guessing possible twists on various characters and storylines. Some spin the WWE rumor mills for their amusement, while others create their own wrestling situations to fancy wild imagination.

This week, highlights - and lowlights - include Lana, Bo Dallas, and a potentially new rival for Ryback.

As always, the WWE Universe should take all of these with a grain of salt.

From "We want Lana" to "Where is Lana?"

If Wrestling Observer's source was to be believed, fans won't be chanting "We want Lana" anytime soon.

To add to the news that the Ravishing Russian injured her hand while training before a WWE house event in Fairfax, this said WWE informant contradicted the claim about how hard she has been working for an in-ring debut.

This person also noted that Dolph Ziggler's on-screen girlfriend has been MIA in the WWE Performance Center for a while.

Could it be that Lana is just preparing her own Eva Marie push scenario?

Bidding Bo-lieve bye bye?

For quite some time now, Bo Dallas has been one of the constant subjects of ridicule amongst the WWE Universe.

If he isn't on the receiving end of a handful of Brock Lesnar suplexes, Dallas acts as the stepping stone of a number of WWE Superstars.

However, it looks like WWE creative are angling a character change for Bo Dallas.

During a backstage promo on WWE SmackDown, Dallas gave the fans a little taste of his new persona.

It's also apparent that he started to veer away from his past character's in-ring moves to a more humorous and eccentric skill set.

Feed me "no" more of the Big Show and The Miz

With WWE's next pay-per-view show fast approaching, Ryback may soon face a different challenger to his title.

A lot of people see The Big Guy as the second coming of Ultimate Warrior, so it's natural for fans to expect a Rick Rude-type of rivalry, one that will challenge him in the same vein as how a Kevin Owens will bring out the best of him.

As a result, rumors have begun swirling that a WWE Intercontinental title match between Ryback and Kevin Owens will be part of the next pay-per-view card - after all, the show's called Night of Champions, right, so The Big Guy has to have an opponent?

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