New Yorker Claims Seeing Boomerang-Shaped UFO Over Port Jefferson

| Sep 16, 2015 12:01 AM EDT

Port Jefferson UFO

Openminds.tv, a UFO sightings website, reported on Tuesday that a New York resident filmed on April 17, 2015, a boomerang-shaped UFO allegedly flying over Port Jefferson. The report was listed as Case 64777 on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).

The New Yorker was driving home from his office passing the usual route when he noticed at about 10:30 p.m. red and blue lights above. He stopped to observed if it was just a toy, however, the witness observed the object flew higher and moved at a pretty fast speed.

The witness captured the object using a mobile phone. Based on initial examination of the images provided by the witness to MUFON, investigators Joseph Flammer and Nicholas Voulgaris classified the object as "unknown." The probers say more study of the video must be done.

Port Jefferson appears to be a UFO spot because the Examiner reported that there was another alleged UFO sighting by also a New Yorker over the same port, but the object see was large, silver, round, disc type. The sighting, also captured in camera and reported to MUFON, was four years ago, on Aug. 30, 2011.

The witness was aboard a boat docked at Port Jefferson. He said there was a CCTV camera located about 5 miles from the boat which captured the footage.

When he checked the camera from as far back as two days before his sighting, the witness said he saw the UFO hovering in the same spot where he saw it on Aug. 30. He initially thought someone was launching a weather balloon, but ruled it out after noticing the object had lines and structure unlike a balloon.

He took three screen shots at 10 seconds apart and submitted the images to MUFON.

In New Hampshire, a boomerang-shaped object was also filmed nine months ago.

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