Gamers Submits More Than One Million ‘Super Mario Maker’ Course In Less Than One Week

| Sep 17, 2015 03:19 PM EDT

Gamers submitted more than one million Super Mario Maker courses in less than one week.

Many were excited when Nintendo announced the "Super Mario Maker." The extremely easy and accessible tool have opened the floodgates and now one million "Super Mario Maker" level are out in the market.

According to GameSpot, since the Sept. 11 Wii U debut of the level-building game, gamers have uploaded more than one million courses. The milestone was highlight on the game's Japanese Twitter account. Nintendo also released a video that highlighted some of the most interesting and imaginative courses.

While many were happy about the release of "Super Mario Maker," some are not entirely convinced citing that it is used by some gamers to generate horrible "Mario" levels, according to The Washington Post. The author of the review, Michael Thomsen, wrote that the game is shaping to become "a tool for the mass production of cultural refuse, single-use distractions that fail to replicate the spirit of the original."

While some are upset about the new "Mario" creation tool, there is a significant number of gamers that believe just because there are a lot of horrible stages do not mean that it is an awful game at all. Some video game experts said that what the game lacks is a system that highlights the worthwhile levels and discards the awful ones. Some gamers suggests that Nintendo needs to create a better sorting tool in order to stop the proliferation of less interesting levels while at the same time focus on the better ones.

When the "Super Mario Maker" was released, it received massive critical acclaim. Video game reviewers praised the game's innovative level editing tools and user interface.

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