'The Last of Us' Writer Accidentally Reveals Game's Sequel

| Sep 19, 2015 05:39 PM EDT

"The Last Of Us" remastered version is available for PlayStation 4.

It appears that American video game developer Naughty Dog has have accidentally unveiled the sequel for "The Last of Us."

The game's writer, Josh Scherr , has accidentally spit some information that hinted at a new instalment for "The Last of Us," although Sony and Naughty Dog have not officially confirmed the sequel for the game. This happened during a live-stream focused on the upcoming "Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection."

Scherr made a reference to the lead animator Eric Baldwin of the facial animation in the Uncharted series and the first "The Last of Us," IGN reported. He stumbled a little but did not offer any explanation, and the audience took it as a hint for the sequel of the game.

Previously, voice actor Nolan North said that Naughty Dog was planning to release "The Last of Us 2," but though Troy Baker, who voiced out Joel, was quick to shot down the statement, according to The Independent.

Additionally, Michael Knowland, an artist at Naughty Dog who also worked on Uncharted lead Nathan Drake, did reveal something about the sequel in his LinkedIn profile.

Naughty Dog writer and creative director Neil Druckmann said that there was 50 percent chance for the game's sequel. He added that some of the reasons behind it were Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson (Ellie) would not going back to the series.

The game developer denied the existence of "The Last of Us 2," but not totally dispelling the speculation of the series' sequel. Recently, Naughty Dog said that they have ideas for the sequel of "The Last of Us 2," but their focus is on Uncharted game.

Meanwhile, a remastered version of "The Last of Us" is also available for PlayStation 4. "Unchartered 4: A Thief's End" is slated to launch in 2016.

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