Doctor Loses License as ‘Dead’ Baby Comes Back to Life

| Nov 25, 2013 08:29 AM EST

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Chinese authorities had revoked the license of a doctor who declared a baby boy dead only for the baby to be found alive minutes before his scheduled cremation.

Health authorities said the physician, surnamed Zha, had lost his license for giving misdiagnosis on the health condition of the baby boy.

The baby was admitted in critical condition at the Anhui Provincial Children's Hospital in Hefei. Hospital officials said the baby was going to die anytime when he arrived at the hospital.

The toddler was diagnosed with various ailments, including pneumonia, as a result of his premature birth when he arrived at the hospital.

When the baby's condition deteriorated, the doctor issued a death certificate and sent the "dead baby" for cremation.

However, funeral home staff discovered the boy alive just a few minutes before the scheduled cremation.

Funeral staff said everything was set for the boy’s cremation but they suddenly heard a crying baby. When they checked the area for the source of the crying, they discovered that the “dead baby” came back to life.

The baby boy, who was believed to be less than one-year-old, was rushed back to the Anhui Provincial Children’s Hospital in Hefei.

According to health authorities, Zha and the hospital's neonatology department in charge will be given administrative punishment after ruling that the doctor was negligent and the department assigned on the case was in disarray. A nurse was also reportedly laid off.

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