Facebook Notes Features Long-Overdue Upgrade, Looks Like Blogging Platform

| Sep 27, 2015 05:55 AM EDT

Facebook Notes icon

Facebook has given a much-needed and long-overdue revamping of its Notes feature, now allowing users to add cover photos, format texts, and include captions. It announced the refresh in a blog post stating the upgrades will improve the sharing of longer posts to a small group or all Facebook users, while implicitly the social network is challenging the Twitter-linked Medium blog platform. 

The post was made by Isaac Salier-Hellendag, a Facebook User Interface Engineer, on September 25, Friday. He said that the revamped Notes will make the feature more attractive and customizable.

Notes' first update since 2010 includes formatting tools. They include headers, block quotes, and number and bulleted lists.

Facebook users can also add a cover photo with a caption. In addition, they can resize the images.

Note's makeover features more eye-catching layouts and fonts including bold, italicize, and underline text through keyboard shortcuts, according to Mashable. This will basically transform the notes from a user status to a blog post. 

Facebook likely updated Notes to make its 1.49 billion active users consider using the social media giant to post blogs. Online buzz is that Facebook wants to challenge Medium. The blog startup site was created by Twitter co-founder Ev Williams in 2012 , and features a "social journalism" hybrid of professional and unpaid contributions.

Mark Zuckerberg's company experimented with upgrades to Notes in August. The goal was to make the feature seem more essential and permanent.  

Notes upgrades have been launched for the social network's Web and mobile app versions. However, note creation is only available for the online platform, according to Tech Times

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