Definite iOS 9 Jailbreak Release Date Still Unknown But JB 8.4.1 Will Soon Come Out – Things To Know

| Sep 28, 2015 09:36 PM EDT

iOS 9

Will the jailbreak community receive an untethered iOS 9 jailbreak soon? It appears that the answer for now is no, at least not in the immediate weeks or months ahead, as the only known work iOS customization underway at the moment is for version 8.4.1. 

According to iDigitaTimes.com, the chance seems low that an iOS 9 jailbreak will be made public anytime soon. One exploit developer is confirmed working on a jailbreak and appears to be gaining progress. But Italian Luca Todesco is focused on modifying iOS 8.4.1, the precursor to iOS 9.

While relatively unknown compared to the likes of iH8Sn0w, Todesco has a solid credentials in the field he is operating on. He is described by iDigitalTimes as "independent security researcher and jailbreak tweak developer."

And Todesco is supported by no less than a former Evad3r member, identified by the online publication as Nikias Bassen. Bassen is upbeat that Todesco has the chops to finish what he has started, meaning the JB 8.4.1 will roll out real soon.

Also assisting the Italian dev is the Pangu team, boosting the chances of jailbreak fans getting the new iPhone and iPad unlocker in no time.

But Todesco is non-committal on a specific touchdown for his JB 8.4.1. The dev simply told iDigitalTimes that "jailbreak will come."

And he has an important reminder for those interested to use his upcoming jailbreak - downgrade from iOS 9 or 9.0.1 now before Apple halts the iOS 8.4.1 signing. Failing to do so will lock out an iPhone or iPad on iOS 9 from the JB 8.4.1.

Interestingly, Todesco was asked why not just provide an iOS 9 jailbreak. He admitted that the bugs he has will not work on the latest Apple mobile operating system, adding that "Apple hardened dyld and killed an entire bug class in iOS 9."

So the best chance for an iOS 9 jailbreak making a landfall this year is iH8Sn0w, who had shown a working unlocker on an iPhone 5. But the dev has already clarified that a public JB will not originate from his end.

Still, it remains likely that Pangu or TaiG will finish the work started by iH8Sn0w and let out a customizer soon. Soon should be no earlier than the November 2015 release date of the iPad Pro, which is said to come out of the box flexing the muscles of iOS 9.1.

Now iOS 9.1 coming out is rumored as the signal for independent developers to wrap up their works and push for an iOS 9 jailbreak release date real soon.

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