Meth Addict Shoots Himself In the Groin Trying to Protect People From Hallucinatory Mexicans

| Oct 01, 2015 01:26 AM EDT

Wenatchee City, Washington

According to authorities, Martin Eugene Hoyer, 51, was on 2 day meth binge when he decided to break into  his neighbor's house to save her from hallucinatory Mexican guys. Police said that when the man did so, the revolver went off and a bullet lodged in his groin.

Fortunately, the Washington man was not seriously hurt, RawStory reported. Wenatchee police said that he first threatened a lady neighbor with the gun, pointing it at her through her apartment window. Hoyer told investigators that he heard a group of white guys and Mexicans plotting with his neighbor to rob his cash and truck. He said that voices of Mexicans carried through an air vent from the neighbor's house to his.

The neighbor told police that Hoyer stood outside her house armed with the gun, pointed it at her through her apartment window and threatened to kill her for plotting to rob him. After that, he returned to his house.

Hoyer said that he saw Mexican guys in the trees outside his house getting ready to assault him. He added that two more Mexican guys went to another neighbor's house, convincing her to open the door so that they could attack and rob him.

Hoyer went to his neighbor's house with the gun in his waistband to rescue her from the Mexican guys. When he raised his foot to kick the neighbor's door, the gun went off.

He has been charged with unlawful possession of a gun, harassment and assault, according to Inquisitr.

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