‘Ghostbusters Reboot' Spoilers & Cast News: Rick Moranis Explains Why He Declined To Star In The Film

| Oct 08, 2015 09:30 AM EDT

Paul Feig

Actor Rick Moranis recently revealed why he declined to star in Paul Feig's upcoming film, "Ghostbusters" reboot.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Moranis said that making a cameo in the film, and reprising the role that he did 30 years ago, didn't make any sense to him.

"I wish them well. I hope it's terrific. But it just makes no sense. Why would I do just one day of shooting on something I did 30 years ago?" he said.

Meanwhile, according to Design N Trend, Moranis went on a long hiatus from starring in movies, but this does not mean that he completely stopped working the industry.

After his wife passed away in 1997, Moranis took an 18-year break, but he's been doing voice work on the side.

"I took a break, which turned into a longer break. But I'm interested in anything that I would find interesting. I still get the occasional query about a film or television role as soon as one comes along that piques my interest, I'll probably do it. But 'Ghostbusters' didn't appear to me," he said.

In other news, even though Moranis didn't agree to star in the upcoming reboot, some of the old cast members from the original movie will make a cameo.

This will include Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd. Feig previously said that the reboot will be different from the original film, especially in terms of its setting.

With this, fans can expect that the returning cast members wouldn't be reprising their old roles.

"Ghostbusters" reboot is slated for release on Jul. 15, 2016.

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