Jeremy Bieber Deletes Tweet About Justin’s Manhood; Bette Middler Calls Singer’s Dad ‘Biggest D**k’

| Oct 11, 2015 04:53 AM EDT

Justin Bieber

Three days after The New York Daily Post published the nude frontal photos of Canadian singer Justin Bieber taken in Bora Bora, the controversy refuses to die down.

Jeremy Bieber, the 21-year-old singer's father deleted his reaction to the nude photo leak which earned him criticism. Rather than get angry at his son's privacy being violated, the 40-year-old dad tweeted on Friday "@justinbieber what do you feed that thing," followed by the hashtag #prouddaddy.

Jeremy's pride in his son's large manhood got the ire of 69-year-old singer Bette Middler who pointed out that the largest penis did not belong to Justin but to his father. In a tweet on Saturday, Better writes, "@justinbieber dad tweeted he's proud of his son's penis size. I think the biggest d - - - in this situation is the dad who abandoned his son."

Justin's mother, Pattie Mallette, raised her son as a single mother, although Justin insists that he had a great relationship with his father whom he credits for teaching him how to play songs on the guitar such as "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" by Bob Dylan.  

Meanwhile, Bustle criticized "Saturday Night Live" for being totally obsessed with Justin's organ. It noted that the show dedicated a substantial portion to the controversy.

There was reference to the leaked images in the multiple sketches in the episode hosted by Amy Schumer. The naked photos were also the topic of discussion by Michael Che and Colin Jost in Weekend Update. At another sketch, there was a town council-type of meeting where Pete Davidson asked if they had seen the penis photos of the Canadian singer.

Bustle says that SNL on Saturday was "kind of low" for making Justin's nude photos that invaded his privacy "the punchline to a joke in multiple sketches."

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