IOS 9, 9.0.1, 9.0.2. Jailbreak Might Arrive Before November Comes In; Kernel Patch Protection Halts Easy Jailbreaking Practice

| Oct 13, 2015 09:12 AM EDT

The iOS 9 update brought many new features to the Mail app.

Apple's iOS 9, 9.0.1 and 9.0.2 Jailbreak from TaiG, Pangu, and K33n might be ready by the end of the month.

While Apple is expected to release iOS 9.1 later this month, TaiG and Pangu are also said to release their jailbreak version at the same time.  It is also rumored that K33N, a veteran jailbreaker, is involved in the jailbreak project.

These famous jailbreakers are currently having a hard time with the latest iOS 9 because of the new Kernel Patch Protections. Apple incorporated the additional level of protection to put a halt to the jailbreaking practice, Technology News Extra reported.

Nikias Bassen of Zimperium Security (former Evasi0n team member) said in an interview with the iDigitalTimes, "Let's say you have a vulnerability that leads to code execution in the kernel. If you want to do things like a jailbreak you have to patch the kernel."

"This new protection has checksum checks on certain regions of the kernel," Bassen added. "So when you try to patch something, the system will panic."

Even known jailbreaker Luca Todesco, who has just recently found a jailbreak for iOS 8.4.1, has not really set his eyes on the newest iOS 9 yet.  He is currently sharing news updates via  his Twitter account.

Apple users who have downloaded and installed iOS 9 will have to wait a little bit longer for a working jailbreak. It is also known that a user cannot simply rollback to iOS 8 once iOS 9 was installed. A new feature for the latest Apple operating system.

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