Rollins The Architect Of WWE's Downfall?

| Oct 15, 2015 11:47 AM EDT

(Photo : Credit Reuters)

He is seen as 'the future of the company'. Seth Rollins who started his career as  part of the deadly trio that is the Shield, has seen his career go on an upward trajectory since he famously betrayed his brethren. 

Many were heart broken by such an abandonment of his brethren that fateful night, myself included. The WWE at the time in my humble opinion was going through a good patch. Batista, Triple H and Randy Orton were in the midst of an all mighty feud with the Shield. 

That was brilliant and made for great viewing - but what was to happen after that shocked many. First Batista sensationally quit WWE then Seth Rollins did the unthinkable and joined the enemy, how could you Seth! 

Seth Rollins teamed up with Triple H and Orton and left his Shield brothers to dry essentially. During that time that Rollins has left the Shield, to be fair The Architect's career has gone upwards since. Naturally Seth Rollins was going to be seen as a heel after controversially leaving the Shield in the way he did. 

'You sold out' chants were chanted every where Seth went while touring with WWE - but in recent months it's been Rollins who has had the last laugh. First Seth Rollins 'ambushed' his way to winning the WWE world heavy weight title on that memorable Wrestle Mania night then some very impressive title defences followed. 

Orton, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, John Cena and Sting are to name some of the prestigious names who haven't been able to get the better of the architect. Just for good measure Brock Lesnar was on the wrong side of a Seth Rollins title match as well. 

Yes it should be mentioned that in several of those title matches that there was interference - but people usually tend to look back at the result rather than the match itself. As great as those achievements are though however I just feel that Seth Rollins' character needs to lose the title so his character gain significance again. 

The longer The Architect is WWE champion, one starts to feel that Rollins' character is losing interest. Let's take The Rock for example, when ever The Brahma Bull lost, it made The Rock look better when he would beat that opponent when he faced them next. 

Seth Rollins needs that same kind of thing. Rollins is involved in a stupid feud with Kane at the moment which isn't helping the brand at the moment. I mean Kane was much better in the mask, why change that? 

Rollins need to lose the belt and fast so the prestige in the belt can be brought back to the belt. I also think Seth Rollins could do with becoming a face again rather than a heel. A reunion with The Shield? Creative should think about it long and hard. 

Seth Rollins you have been a brilliant champion don't get me wrong - but if we say Sheamus takes the title from you at Hell in a Cell then that would allow you to gain a new edge to your character .

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