'Persona 5' Update: Game Director Tease 'Big City' Lifestyle In The Game; New Gameplay Features Include Sneak, All-Out-Attack, Cooperation [VIDEO]

| Oct 16, 2015 04:10 AM EDT

Persona 5 is an upcoming JRPG being developed by Atlus of the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 console

New details for "Persona 5" will feature a "big city" lifestyle in the game, as well as new gameplay features for the sequel.

Game director Katsura Hashino stated in an interview that "Persona 5" will explore the "big city" life experience in the game setting of Shibuya.Just like past Persona titles, the gamers will experience life as both a high school student and a phantom thief within "Persona 5" as they will embark on different social activities like attending and studying in school, going on subways, playing base ball and many more. Hashino added that their is an underlining philosophy within "Persona 5" as he stated that the nation that people have on the things the they want do, never did happen because they do not the reason for it, CrossMaps reported.

One of Atlus' goals for "Persona 5" was to give players an outlet to explore these new thrills and experiences the protagonist and his friends have within the game. There are also new gameplaye features for "Persona 5" such as Cooperation, All-Out-Attack and Sneak.

Sneak allows gamers to use stealth in any situation within the dungeon levels, while All-Out-Attack will allow them to gang and beat up downed enemy units and Cooperation will work as a new social link system to communicate and bond with other characters in "Persona 5".

"Persona 5's" storyline will deal will five individuals that will act as phantom thieves in order to steal the hearts of the corrupt individuals and stop the cycle of darkness and corruption plaguing the city. Gamers will also have chance to explore other character stories aside from the protagnist giving gamers a different point of view and making the plot more interesting to them, The Christian Post reported.

The Persona's of each character will be summoned in a special process called "Awakening" that will engulf them in blue flames and will have drastic changes in their in personalities. They can perform magic attacks and use a variety of weapons from swords and blades to handguns and shotguns.

"Persona 5" was supposed to be released this year in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles, but Atlus announced that the game will launch in the summer 2016 in Japan and sometime in 2016 in the United States.

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