WATCH: Bus Driver Saves Suicidal Woman About to Jump Over a Bridge in China

| Oct 27, 2015 01:03 PM EDT

Bus Driver Saves Suicidal Woman About to Jump Over a Bridge in China

A bus driver went out of his way to save a woman from committing suicide. The driver stopped the bus when he saw the woman attempting to jump over the bridge in Nanjing, China.

Bian Pengfei was quick to notice the suicidal woman as he was passing at the bridge located over Yangtze River, Unilad reported.

As soon as he realized what was happening he pulled over, went down quickly, and grabbed the woman who was trying to jump over.

According to Huffington Post, the woman in pink dress was crying and struggling as she was being taken to the bus.

The driver needed help from a couple of passengers as the lady showed resistance while she was being rescued by concerned citizens.

The lady was brought to the police station where she reportedly received counselling.

The Economist reported that China has one of the highest suicide rates in the world back in the 1900s. But the country has improved a lot since then.

Comparing that period to 2009-2011, the suicide rates in China had already dropped by 58 percent.

Rural suicides, which were prominent back then, has also declined substantially due to the increase in migration to the cities. Rural residents have decreased, too.

However, it is worth noting that suicide in the elderly segment are increasing. They are currently the fastest-growing demographic in the country.

The urbanization has divided families and consequently left the elderly without caretakers. China's one-child policy has reportedly worsened the problem and it will soon increase the burden on the elderly and their children.

Watch the rescue video below!

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