Fairy Tail 461 Prediction: Natsu Final Fight With Acnologia Will End the Series According To Theory; Ichiya Is A Match For Spriggan 12

| Nov 04, 2015 02:16 PM EST


The next chapter entitled: "This Perfume Goes to.." which still pertains to Ichiya.

Yet, there's a lot going on in the full scale attack so fans have other things on their mind. Foremost on Reddit is how Brandish is not really beat, and bringing her to the Guild is the worst possible idea according to user 'PuckingFanda.'

"I can't even begin counting the ways taking Brandish prisoner to be guild hall is an awful idea, I expected better from Lucy & Cana, I hope they have some stellar magic cuffs or something that restrains magic. They should have taken her to one of the councils maximum security prisons or something."

User 'Bryan Fair' said: "It's been proven how Ichiya is one of the strongest mage in FT. Because this guy is the weakness of the Great Erza Scarlet. Going by that logic Ichiya > Erza > Ajeel. I think it's safe to say that Ichiya's power can rival all of those Springgan 12."

In the Mangahelpers forum, the projections go farther as they explore the possible final battle and all signs point to a face-off between Natsu and Acnologia. User Nizen stated his case.

"The true despair Natsu might feel is when he fights Acnologia. Acnologia is bascially the Saitama of the series, that is, he is invincible. For Natsu to feel despair in the war, something really bad should happen to his comrades with Alvarez out strengthening Ishgar in every way."

The war would take its toll on Natsu and with that, he might experience some changes.

"Amidst the chaos, Natsu might become hopeless and go berserk. Since this has comparatively less chance of happening (because emotional trauma crossing the limits is a phenomena that can't quite happen in the always-positive environment of FT), I place my bet on Natsu vs Acnologia."

We have yet to see how powerful Natsu is and his secret with his arm may be the game changer. This arc has already had a lot of surprises and Fairy Tail fans should keep track of all predictions and spoilers.

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