'Star Wars VII The Force Awakens' Trailer: Rey and Luke Skywalker Flashback Scenes Revealed [VIDEO]

| Nov 08, 2015 01:51 AM EST

Atmosphere at the Hasbro Star Wars toy launch unveiling at New York Comic-Con 2015 - Day 1 at The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on October 8, 2015 in New York City.

One particular scene in the upcoming movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", will show Lupita Nyong'o (Maz Kanata) is ushering John Boyega (Finn), Daisy Ridley (Rey) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) to an underground part of a castle. Maz narrates what took place in the first part of the trilogy as the scene is cut to show a flashback.

In a report made by the Star Wars Underworld, Luke's lightsaber will be taken by the character named Naka, which will be shown in the following movie scene during the flashback. Naka will try to sell this lightsaber to some trader, but will be bought by a clan leader.

The parents of Rey are said to be part of this clan and were able to escape from the fight against the Knights of Ren following their defeat. Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) will see Rey in this fight with the clan. Kylo will be able to take the lightsaber, however, it will be stolen later by Maz. Meantime, Rey's parents will bring her on planet Jakku and will never return to see her, implying that Rey may not be Hans Solo's daughter as the fans speculated, Starwars Underworld reported.

The lightsabers that will be used in this upcoming film are quite different from those props that were used in the previous films from this franchise. The company tasked to work on the visual effects, the Industrial Light and Magic, is reported to use the custom built version of Force FX lightsabers that are now available on the market. This customized lightsabers has been helpful to the company as they create added natural light effects during the action scenes. The props were able to show lightsaber as more true to life action scenes in the film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

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