‘One Punch Man’ Episode 7 Review: Free Online Live Stream; Saitama Faces Tank-Top Brothers [VIDEO]

| Nov 18, 2015 08:19 AM EST

Directed by Studio Madhouse, “One-Punch Man” emerged as one of the most popular animes of 2015.

"One Punch Man" episode 7 is now streaming online free courtesy of Daisuki and Viz Media.

Episode 7 titled "The Supreme Pupil" is available to stream free online here.

"One Punch Man" episode 7 begins with a sudden shift in trajectory of a meteor towards City Z, and Genos' first Hero Association task. When Genos gets to his assignment, he meets Bang (Silver Fang). Seemingly, in 35 minutes, a meteor will hit City Z, and they have been called to solve the problem.

From this week's synopsis, it is evident that threat level Dragon is released for the city in addition to orders to evacuate. Genos leaves to stop the meteor, attempting his new prototype armor. Before events commence, Bofoi appears, and claims to have come only to test his new field weapon.

Apparently, the weapon does nothing when Silver Fang surfaces and tells Genos he is too young to be worrying about being perfect. Channeling his best Saitama recklessness, he fires his core power at the meteor.

It is not efficient but fortunately, Saitama appears to punch the meteor, transforming it into a shower that spreads damage through the city. Saitama comforts Genos about the destruction, indicating that it was better than nothing.

At the same time, Saitama is happy when Genos informs him that he rose to position five in Class C.

Saitama decides to have a look at the wreckage of the meteor shower and meets Tank-Top Tiger and Tank-Top Black Hole. The brothers blame Saitama for all the destruction to the city, asserting that he should have never come if he was still going to cause such catastrophe.

After a long conversation about Saitama, the Tank-Top brothers try attacking him. He makes light of them and shouts at the people for expecting him to care about the stupid issues. Before it gets out of control, Genos persuades Saitama to return home.

Watch "One Punch Man" episode 7 here as well. Here is a promo for the episode.

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