Sony PSN Still Offline While Most Xbox Live Services Up and Running

| Dec 26, 2014 11:04 PM EST

Sony PlayStation Network announces discount for five exclusive titles.

It's been a busy year for hackers this 2014 as many companies have been hacked and a lot of personal information has been compromised. Reports emerges that hackers known as Lizard Squad were responsible for Sony's PSN and Microsoft's Xbox Live network outage on Christmas day, RTE reports.

Sony confirmed that they are having network issues and gamers are experiencing connectivity issues and delays that give them trouble to log in, BBC reports.

It can be recalled that Sony PlayStation Network was once a target of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack by the same hackers back in August. Late November, Sony Pictures, sibling of PSN division, was targeted by massive cyber-attacks compromising a lot of sensitive information that was stolen from their servers and then leaked over the internet.

Who were the hackers?

Apparently, it's not the same hackers and they call themselves as "Guardians of Peace." GOP claimed the responsibility over the attack to stop the release of Seth Rogen and Even Golberg's political comedy film "The Interview," in which, portrays an assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

As of this writing, Microsoft's Xbox Live is up and running while Sony's PSN remains offline. Xbox Live has listed some Xbox 360 and Xbox One core services as "up and running" though some services was listed as "limited" such as access to IGN, Maxim and MLG.tv.

Meanwhile, PlayStation Network's official twitter page states that they are now "working to restore full network services for all platforms."

No official statement yet was cascaded, from parties involved, on what caused the network issues. According to Reuters, Lizard Squad could not be reached while PlayStation and Xbox spokespersons are not yet available to comment.

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