Orlando Bloom's 'The Hobbit' Beats 'Unbroken,' Disney's 'Into The Woods' On Christmas Weekend Box-office

| Dec 28, 2014 11:48 PM EST

The Hobbit

The Orlando Bloom and Martin Freeman starrer "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" kept its lead at the box-office collections for the second week running. It managed to beat out other contenders for the top spot such as the Angelina Jolie-directed war movie "Unbroken" which is creating waves and the cute Disney musical "Into the Woods."

The box-office collections for the Christmas week for "The Hobbit" were more than $54 million, whereas the number two spot was held by "Unbroken" at $47 million and the Disney musical wasn't very far behind with collections of $46 million.

The top list of five most grossing movies also included the Ben Stiller sequel of "Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb" and the remake of "Annie", which has the actors Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz in stellar roles. The Ben Stiller sequel managed to rake in around $27 million while the remake had revenues of around $21 million.

Angelina's war movie "Unbroken" has been a surprise at the box-office as there has been quite a buzz about it. Analysts believe that the star has mixed a lot of fact with fiction in order to create a compelling story. The director also directed her new husband Brad Pitt in the movie and she revealed that directing him made her see him in a whole new persona and perspective and the end result was that it actually brought them closer.

The James Franco comedy "The Interview", which was also released online didn't fare that well at the box-office and was slotted at number 16 on the list with collections of around $2.8 million. 

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