Marvel's 'Agent Carter' Premieres On ABC; Peggy Carter Stronger Than All Male Counterparts

| Jan 06, 2015 08:32 AM EST


Marvel's "Agent Carter" will premiere on Tuesday 8pm EST; 7pm Central Time on ABC.

In 2014, Marvel has paved tribute to its leading ladies. Though Black Widow does not have her own movie still, she has proven her importance in saving the universe through her roles in the latest "Captain America" as well as in the upcoming "Avengers." Moreover, Daisy Johnson was highlighted in "Agents of Shield" even if the story was primarily revolved around Phil Coulson and his mission of rebuilding SHIELD.

Of the mentioned female characters above, still, no one is quite like Peggy Carter, a character the audience will meet again in 2015.

In Marvel's "Agent Carter", Peggy Carter will be portrayed by Hayley Atwell- a feminist ally who will fight for women's rights and re-establish the Marvel heroines' expectations.

While Peggy Carter is best known as the girlfriend of Captain America, this role is not highlighted in the series. Here, Peggy Carter is portrayed as compassionate and competent; smarter and stronger than all of her male counterparts. She'll be using her sexuality as her main weapon against men, who usually perceives her as just an object.

The portrayal of Peggy Carter's character does not only show great promise for the series, but also reveal how Marvel's heroines will be given importance from now on. Between "Captain America", Netflix's "Jessica Jones", and the return of "SHIELD", there still is room for Marvel to re-structure how its female characters will be shown in Hollywood's majestic superhero genre and the cinematic universe, as a whole.

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