Couple Uses Social Media To Find Mystery Photographer Who Snapped Image Of Scenic Iceland Proposal

| Dec 05, 2015 05:28 AM EST

Iceland Wedding Proposal

A Scottish couple whose fairytale proposal in Reykjavik, Iceland was captured by a stranger's camera has located the photo after searching for it through social media. They were unaware that a woman who was snapping photographs of the snowfall in the capital city took a picture of the man after he got on bended knee in the middle of the empty street and asked his girlfriend to marry him. The photographer did not send him a copy of the image because he gave the wrong contact information, but he later found it posted online.

Michael Kent and his girlfriend Fiona Newlands were on a romantic getaway in Iceland when he proposed to her during a snowy evening. Jessica Bowe was taking photos outdoors when she used her camera to capture the Hallmark moment.

After Kent gave his contact information to Bowe to get a copy of the picture, he did not receive it after several days and started to worry that he had given the wrong email address. The idea of never seeing the photo was "disheartening."

Kent wanted a token of the magical moment so he went on Facebook to find the mystery woman who had taken the photo of him and his fiancé. He added an image of the romantic scene, and admitted that he was still "lucky" even if he could not find the Icelandic image.   

However, Kent then got some good news. After Bowe realized that he had provided the wrong email address, she posted the proposal image online, which Kent found. He was "in awe," according to Irish Examiner.

Bowe explained in her post that Kent's hands were shaking when he entered his e-mail address on her smartphone. She was able to take the photo on Skólavörðustígur because she was in the right place at the right time.

The couple has not started planning their wedding yet, but Kent shared that Bowe was welcome to attend it, according to BBC. Meanwhile, Bowe explained that she did not expect to get a wedding invitation, but she would like to crash the ceremony like she shot the photo. It would be "randomly."

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