'The Flash' Season 2 Rumors: Earth 2 Versions Of Eddie Thawne, Joe West, Barry Allen Could Be Zoom; Extended Midseason Finale Trailer To Feature The Rogues Vs The Flash [VIDEOS]

| Dec 08, 2015 12:03 AM EST

The Flash is a CW Network series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns.

New "The Flash" season 2 details will feature Barry Allen facing the Rogues in its midseason finale, as well as new theories of Zoom's real identity.

An extended version of the midseason finale for "The Flash" season 2 will have the Rogues take on the Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) during the Christmas Holidays. This latest incarnation of the Rogues are compose of Mark Mardon/Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre), Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and James Jessie/The Trickster (Mark Hamill) as they devise a plan to take out the Scarlet Speedster by using his love ones against him, ComicBookMovie reported.

Several scenes from the extended trailer feature The Flash being overwhelmed by Weather Wizard, The Trickster dressed as Santa Claus, Captain Cold unexpectedly invaded the West family house and Barry and detective Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) teaming upto stop them, knowing that Patty has a grudge against Mark Mardon for killing her father, before he got his powers. The midseason finale will also feature Zoom (Tony Todd) returning to Earth-1 from Earth-2 using the speed canon from S.TA.R. Labs and debut of Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) to show.

Wally West is expected to appear in the show's midseason finale as Joe West's (Jesse L. Martin) biological son from Francine West (Vanessa A. Williams) and the younger brother of Iris West (Candice Patton). Wally's presence could change the dynamic of the whole West family including Team Flash since it is hinted at some point that Wally could end up being a speedster and Barry's protege.

In other news, new theories for Zoom's identity in show have been revealed as several Earth-2 counterparts of the show's regular characters could be the evil speedster.

Several fans have made a poll as to which Earth-2 counterpart of well known character could be Zoom in season 2 as the list of names include Earth-2 versions of Joe West, Henry Allen, Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne, ComicBookResources reported.

Barry Allen was first theorized as Zoom since the evil speedster emits blue lightning similar to Future Barry Allen in the New 52 comics. Henry Allen (John Wesley Shipp) is also speculated to be Zoom when they cross reference the eyes of both characters which match perfectly and knows Barry's weakness when she used Earth-2 Linda Park/Doctor Light against him.

Earth-2 Joe West is the latest inductee to Zoon's identity and it is suggested that his Earth-2 version of Iris got killed and blames Earth-2 Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) hence why he kidnapped his daughter Jesse (Violette Beane) in the show. Lastly, Eddie Thawne has been heavily hinted to be Zoom since the singularity absorbed his dead body and might have transported into Earth-2 or a Earth-2 version of the character have somehow gain powers from the Particle Accelerator turning him into a power hungry madman.

"The Flash" airs on Tuesdays at 8pm ET on The CW Network.

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