'Arrow' Season 4 Rumors: Stephen Amell To Cameo In 'Legends Of Tomorrow'; New Zealand Trailer Features Malcolm Merlyn Wearing 'Green Arrow' Costume, Felicity Smoak's Death In Midseason Finale [VIDEOS]

| Dec 09, 2015 12:25 AM EST

Arrow is an American television series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

New "Arrow" season 4 details will feature Oliver Queen's appearance in "Legends of Tomorrow", Malcolm Merlyn dressed as Green Arrow and Felicity Smoak's possible death.

The CW Network showcased an extended trailer for the midseason finale of "Arrow" season 4 which features Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough) attacking Oliver Queen (Amell) during his Mayoral campaign after the latter exposed his Damien's involvement with "The Ghosts" and the his organization H.I.V.E.

Damien begins his assault in both daylight and in Oliver's office as retaliation for exposing him as several scenes will depict Damien torturing Oliver emotionally as he has captured Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), John Diggle (David Ramsey) and Thea Queen (Willa Holland) and placed them in a glass chamber filled with dangerous gas. The trailer ends with both Oliver and Felicity saying "I love you" to one another as Felicity's chamber is about to be filled with that gas hinting her possible death in the show, ComicBook reported. There is also a New Zealand promo that showcased Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) wearing the Green Arrow costume as way of misleading Damien into thinking Oliver and Green Arrow are the same person.

Audiences who have watched the end of the season 4 premiere already saw a foreshadowing of certain events in the show as someone close to Oliver will die at the hands of Damien Darhk and will dangerously strengthen his resolve to killing him. Some of the major characters that could possibly die in season 4 include John Diggle, Felicty Smoak and Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne). Both Ramsey and Blackthorne stated their opinions on there character's death and they are confident that they will not die in the show. Felicity on the other hand, could be a very obvious choice since she is the love of Oliver's life and the showrunners are conflicted if they could kill her without incurring the wrath of the "Olicity" fans.

In other news, it seems that Green Arrow will likely have some involvement in the new spin-off series, "Legends of Tomorrow".

Oliver has already appeared in two trailers for "Legends of Tomorrow" and cast member Caity Lotz teased fans that Amell will be donning the "classic" Green Arrow complete with the iconic goatee. However, Amell quickly brush off the goatee look stating that he is 100 percent sure that Oliver will not sport his classic goatee in "Legends of Tomorrow" or in "Arrow", We Got This Covered reported.

"Arrow" season 4 airs on Wednesdays at 8/7pm central on the CW Network.

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