Popcorn Time New Edition: Popcorn Time Returns with New Community Edition Fork; New Edition Led by New Batch of Developers

| Dec 12, 2015 10:21 PM EST

To all of torrent fanatics out there, a new domain Popcorntime.ml has been launched for Popcorn Time.

To all of torrent fanatics out there, a new domain Popcorntime.ml has been launched for Popcorn Time. It is actually a Community Edition site lead by a new batch of developers. The main goal is to dispute Motion Picture Association of America and other related agencies.

Just last month, a lawsuit was filed by MPAA against the designers of the first Popcorn Time. The designers gave up the first website PopcornTime.io and are now permanently closed.

As per status page, the new Popcorntime.ml, which was recently inaugurated, is now fully functional. The new PopcornTime site is teamed up with a new batch of designers who found the relevance and demand for the new site.

As per Torrent Freak, Popcorn Time Community Team needed to step further and create a similar website that people can find valuable information about Community edition projects.

Though the new website is working and running, it may not mean it will continue to be functional in the next days or weeks. According to the latest news, PTCE team lost two designers after they made a settlement with BREIN - a protector of rights for the Dutch entertainment industry.

Threats for lawsuits and criminal punishment seem to continue; however, the group of designers remains strong about their convictions.

PTCE added that the new website will never leave, despite joint efforts from organizations like MPAA, BREIN, and others related government agencies. Rather than continue arguing with the new software, why not start embracing it.

Torrent Freak continues that the new designers are planning to return with the original PopcornTime.io. It means all struggles and controversies between media agencies and developers are still not over.

So stay in touch with what's the latest updates for this issue.

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